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Excel is better than text

Next-In enables SES users to create, read, and write input files with Excel.

Version 3.2 works with a comma or period as the decimal separator. That helps my friends in Europe and Latin America.

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Why is it Free?

To help the industry to perform better analyses. Training and partnership is available.

How does it work?

Read, write, and simulate SES input files from Excel


How fast is it?

Over 8,000 input lines are read or written in less than one second.

Do you offer Training?





Ajay Soni, Systra

You made it so simple. Next-In Input Manager released by Never Gray for SES/SVS is lucid, easier to work and with great user interface. As I was also a beta tester for Next-in I myself validated input generated by Next-In. We at SYSTRA have used the Next-In Input manager for few recent projects and it worked well.  My experience was positive and unsurpassed. 

Joe Gonzalez, WSP

I started using the spreadsheet and it is a time saver.

Update to 3.2 from 3.0


  1. Next-In works with the decimal symbol set as comma "," or period "." set in Windows (10 and 11) or Excel. Thanks to my European Clients who tested this feature.

  2. The user selects the SES Executable for simulations instead of settings environmental variables or having a local executable. Thanks to Ajay Soni for the suggestion.

  3. Selection of SI or IP version is changed to a radio button. Thanks to Dan Andrews for the suggestion. 

  4. Heading units are updated. Creating new spreadsheets does not erase headings.

  5. Formatting updates, including a change to the Aptos font.


Update to 3.0 from 2.5 and 2.6

The spreadsheet without software restrictions for a license.  The VBA source code can be viewed and edited.


Update to 2.5 from 2.4

​Simulations use the latest version of SES 6.0, executable "SESV6_32.exe". Continue using version 2.4 if you are still using the executable named SVSV6_32.exe.

Update to 2.4 from 2.3
  1. Form 11A Automatically calculates the number of segments in 11B.

  2. Initialization File names longer than 80 characters can be read in from input files.

  3. "Last Read" and "Last Wrote" on the control sheet include the date and time.

  4. Debug: Formulas to automatically calculate values in Form 8A, 8D, 8E, and 8F are maintained instead of overwriting them when reading in an input file.


Update to 2.3 from 2.2

  1. Debug: Restart file is read from cell F48 (instead of G48)

  2. Debug: Form 4 formula references Number of Unsteady Heat Sources (NUHS)

  3. Default values in Form 1 allow for easier creation of file from scratch.

  4. Updates to formatting:

  • The bottom border of headers is adjusted for easier cutting and pasting of data in the first row.

  • Conditional formatting updated for Form 3D, Form 4.

  • Update to IP units in Form 3E and 3F.

Toronto, ON, Canada

©2024 by Never Gray.

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